2011 Leadership Conference: Complete Set



Worldview is such a vital and timely issue in these tumultuous times. Join these excellent speakers who will broaden your perspective and motivate your mission. These messages were delivered at the 2011 Leadership Conference on “Translating Worldview to World Mission.”

LUKE YEGHNAZAR is an Iranian-born minister who has ministered in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. He and his family have pioneered many churches and missions. He is bold, yet humble and gracious. He has a very moving story.

DR. NORMAN GEISLER is one of the most noted theologians and teachers of apologetics, as well as a distinguished professor. He has served at Dallas Theological, Southern Evangelical at Charlotte, and other seminaries. He has debated atheists and Muslims with a powerful grasp of truth. He is the author of books, articles, and videos in demand here and abroad.

RAY CIERVO holds a Masters Degree from Southern Evangelical Seminary and is working toward a doctorate. He has ministered as pastor and teacher and taught in Greece, Italy, Costa Rica, and other nations. He and Dr. Geisler focus on preparing youth to face the university world and equipping them to counter the secular and atheistic content that they will face.

CHARLES SIMPSON is an internationally known Bible teacher and pastor, author of numerous books, and has travelled extensively around the world ministering among the nations.

6 CD set includes:

CD 1: Luke Yeghnazar
CD 2: Dr. Norman Geisler (Session 1 of 2)
CD 3: Dr. Norman Geisler (Session 2 of 2)
CD 4: Luke Yeghnazar
CD 5: Ray Ciervo
CD 6: Charles Simpson