Joy Comes in the Morning


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“Even though there are times when we cannot see God or understand His plan, He is still there, watching and working all things together for our good. In Psalm 30, we read that the Lord will lift us up. I think of joy as that power which comes, sometimes unexpectedly, transcending circumstance, filling and raising our spirits, reminding us of the nearness of God. The joy of the Lord lifts us, miraculously, beyond our circumstances and into His presence and purpose.”
–Pastor Stephen Simpson

In this message, discover the difference between temporary happiness and permanent joy; how we can receive the strength of God even in the most trying times.

STEPHEN SIMPSON has served in pastoral and publishing ministry for more than 30 years. He is a writer, speaker, encourager, and networker. Stephen serves as the Editor of ONE-TO-ONE Magazine, and works with numerous churches across the United States and the world.